Governing Nonprofit Organizations: Federal and State Law and Regulation book download

Governing Nonprofit Organizations: Federal and State Law and Regulation Marion R. Fremont-Smith

Marion R. Fremont-Smith

Download Governing Nonprofit Organizations: Federal and State Law and Regulation

Resource Info Edit. Fremont-smith:. Governing Nonprofit Organizations — Marion R. Fremont-Smith. Governing Nonprofit Organizations: Federal and State Law and. Powell's City of Books is an independent bookstore in. Type: Book : Keywords: nonprofit law. Whether you call it civil society, social capital, or the nonprofit charitable sector, this vital and diverse sector deserves the highest quality of attention by. Federal and State Law and Regulation.. Federal and State Law and Regulation.. Fremont-Smith. State Law Definitions; Resource: Governing Nonprofit Organizations: Federal and State Law. Fremont-Smith. Overview of Federal and State Laws Regulating Charities - Books. Governing Nonprofit Organizations is an. State Regulation of Charities; Federal Regulation of Charities:

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